Mother's Day Memorial Day Asparagus Day

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It's the last day of this month.

121st day and 18th week in 2020

Zodiac: Taurus (4/21 - 5/21) ♉
Chinese year: rat

Day Events

International Jazz Day

International Jazz Day invites you to immerse yourself in the rhythm of a global celebration. Explore the rich tapestry of jazz, a musical genre that transcends boundaries and connects cultures. This event is a homage to the improvisational spirit, creativity, and cultural diversity inherent in jazz. Through performances, discussions, and a shared love for the art form, join us in recognizing the universal language of music that unites people from all walks of life. Let's celebrate International Jazz Day as a testament to the power of harmony, collaboration, and the joy that music brings to our lives.

Day Information

This day was 1477 days ago, today is 5/16/2024.

Moon: waxing, moon phase is first quarter, age 7.2 days, new moon May 22, full moon May 7.

Date ISO 8601 format: 2020-04-30T18:54:27-07:00

UTC date and time: 2020-05-01 01:54:27

Unix time: 1588298067

Sun information in Los Angeles

Sunrise: 6:02 AM

Sunset: 7:37 PM

At zenith: 12:50 PM

Length of day: 13h 35m