Mother's Day Memorial Day Asparagus Day

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92nd day and 13th week in 1994

Day Events

State Holiday Pascua Florida Day (Florida)

Pascua Florida Day commemorates the arrival of Juan Ponce de León on the Florida coast in 1513. The day honors the Spanish explorer's exploration and the naming of the land "Pascua Florida", which means "Flowery Easter" in Spanish. Events often include educational activities, historical reenactments, and cultural celebrations that highlight Florida's rich history and diverse heritage. Pascua Florida Day serves as a reminder of the early explorations that shaped the cultural tapestry of Florida and emphasizes the significance of exploration, discovery, and cultural exchange in the state's development.

World Autism Awareness Day

World Autism Awareness Day is dedicated to increasing understanding and acceptance of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The iconic "Light It Up Blue" campaign encourages communities around the world to illuminate landmarks and wear blue to show support for individuals with autism. Events include educational activities, advocacy campaigns, and community outreach efforts to promote awareness and inclusivity. World Autism Awareness Day highlights the diverse strengths and talents of individuals with autism while emphasizing the importance of fostering a more inclusive and understanding society that accommodates and appreciates neurodiversity.

Day Information

This day was 11003 days ago, today is 5/17/2024.

Moon: waning, moon phase is third quarter, age 21.5 days, new moon April 10, full moon March 27.

Date ISO 8601 format: 1994-04-02T03:54:47-08:00

UTC date and time: 1994-04-02 11:54:47

Unix time: 765287687

Sun information in Los Angeles

Sunrise: 5:37 AM

Sunset: 6:15 PM

At zenith: 11:56 AM

Length of day: 12h 38m