Memorial Day Asparagus Day No-Tobacco Day

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139th day and 20th week in 2023

Zodiac: Taurus (4/21 - 5/21) ♉
Chinese year: rabbit

Day Events

Malcolm X Day

Malcolm X Day is a commemoration of the life and legacy of Malcolm X, an influential African-American leader and human rights activist. This day is observed to reflect on his contributions to civil rights and social justice. It's a time to celebrate his efforts in advocating for the empowerment and equality of African Americans, and to discuss the ongoing struggles for racial justice. Events often include educational seminars, community discussions, film screenings, and cultural exhibitions. These activities aim to educate people about Malcolm X's philosophy, his impact on civil rights movements, and the broader context of the fight for equality. The day also serves as a platform for addressing current social issues and continuing the pursuit of justice and equity in society.

Day Information

This day was 367 days ago, today is 5/20/2024.

Moon: waxing, moon phase is new moon, age 0.4 days, new moon June 17, full moon June 3.

Date ISO 8601 format: 2023-05-19T18:31:43-07:00

UTC date and time: 2023-05-20 01:31:43

Unix time: 1684546303

Sun information in Los Angeles

Sunrise: 5:47 AM

Sunset: 7:51 PM

At zenith: 12:49 PM

Length of day: 14h 4m

Births anniversaries

Malcolm X
Born in 1925, 98 years ago. American Muslim minister and human rights activist