Memorial Day Asparagus Day No-Tobacco Day

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16th day and 3rd week in 2023

Zodiac: Capricorn (12/22 - 1/19) ♑
Chinese year: tiger

Day Events

Holiday Martin Luther King's Birthday

Diverse group celebrating Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday in a public space with banners, posters of King, people holding candles and engaging in activities related to civil rights and equality Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday, observed on the third Monday in January each year, is a federal holiday in the United States that honors the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., a prominent civil rights leader and advocate for equality and justice. It is a day of remembrance and reflection on Dr. King's tireless efforts in the struggle against racial segregation and discrimination. The holiday encourages individuals to participate in acts of service and civic engagement, in line with Dr. King's principles of nonviolence, civil disobedience, and social change. Many communities organize events, such as parades, lectures, and volunteer opportunities, to commemorate his contributions and to promote the values of equality, diversity, and inclusion.

State Holiday Idaho Human Rights Day (Idaho)

Idaho Human Rights Day is a day when we celebrate the importance of respecting the rights and freedoms of every person, regardless of their background, religion or status. On this day, we emphasize the indispensability of equality and call for solidarity in the fight for the rights and dignity of everyone. Idaho is proud of its diversity, and this day serves as a reminder of the importance of human rights in building a just society.

Day Information

This day was 490 days ago, today is 5/20/2024.

Moon: waning, moon phase is third quarter, age 23.6 days, new moon January 21, full moon January 6.

Date ISO 8601 format: 2023-01-16T18:34:17-08:00

UTC date and time: 2023-01-17 02:34:17

Unix time: 1673922857

Sun information in Los Angeles

Sunrise: 6:56 AM

Sunset: 5:08 PM

At zenith: 12:02 PM

Length of day: 10h 12m