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1st day and 52nd week in 1933

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Holiday New Year's Day

New Year's Day marks the beginning of a fresh calendar year and is observed with enthusiasm and anticipation worldwide. It's a time for reflection on the past year's accomplishments and resolutions for the year ahead. Festivities often include lively parties, fireworks, and various traditions, depending on cultural customs. Many people use this occasion to set goals, make positive changes in their lives, and spend quality time with loved ones. New Year's Day embodies a sense of renewal, offering a blank slate and a chance for new beginnings, making it a universally celebrated and hopeful holiday.

Day Information

This day was 33374 days ago, today is 5/17/2024.

Moon: waxing, moon phase is waxing crescent, age 5.2 days, new moon January 25, full moon January 11.

Date ISO 8601 format: 1933-01-01T00:57:07-08:00

UTC date and time: 1933-01-01 08:57:07

Unix time: -1167577373

Sun information in Los Angeles

Sunrise: 6:57 AM

Sunset: 4:56 PM

At zenith: 11:56 AM

Length of day: 9h 58m